How I Used Psychedelics To Transform My Life and Now Help Others Do The Same


Psychedelics activate me. You could replace activate with heal, guide, inspire, transform change my life.


The power of psychedelic medicine for me is so big and so huge, that I've dedicated the majority of my message and what I speak about here in the illumin8trix page to the magic and power of psychedelics and plant medicine.

I would say if I was going to nail down one self-development tool that has helped me the most throughout my life, it is my exploration with psychedelics. I didn't start exploring psychedelics from a healing perspective, I wasn't trying to fix anything. I wasn't trying to heal something. It wasn't clinical for me at all. It was in the space of fun, enjoyment and just pure exploration. Having wonderful, fun, amazing times with my friends, my people and my partners. When I go into a psychedelic experience, I tap into the quantum field. The place where everything is limitless. There are so many possibilities and everything is so special and beautiful.

I feel incredible connection to myself. I feel connection to other people, to my friends, to the people that I'm with. I feel deep connection with source energy with God, and my spirits guides.

It's so incredibly beautiful to go into a psychedelic experience and feel that.  Throughout my many, many years of exploration, I never really understood that I was tapping into the quantum field. I didn't understand that this place that we go, the psychedelic grid space, where you go, when you're deep in a psychedelic experience is the place that connects you to yourself.

It connects you to everything that exists. It connects you to all of nature, your environment around you, the people that you love. It’s where you can tap in and feel your oneness. Not until a couple years ago did I make the correlation that the psychedelic grid space is what I believe to be the quantum field and within the quantum field, that's where everything exists.

This correlation wasn’t something I was taught it was a deep knowing after developing my understanding around the quantum field as I developed my quantum healing energy medicine practices.


The Quantum Field is where we manifest. This is where everything that we desire. lives. This is where we can literally connect with and call in whatever it is that we want to experience in our lives. And so what an incredibly powerful tool psychedelics are, right!? To show us the way where we can actually go into that space, see it and feel it in a tangible way.

This is absolutely incredible. And so for me, every time I have a psychedelic experience, I leave the experience feeling totally elevated and CONNECTED. I feel so inspired. I feel so awake. I love all my people so much. I want to connect with people. I want to share my experience. I want to make stuff. I want to create things.

And this is actually how I've been able to create my life here that you're witnessing through what I share on my page. And the way that I have done it comes from my experiences in the psychedelic realms, figuring out who I want to be, how I want to express myself. How I see what kind of art that I want to create, what dreams I want to have for my life. I see the big picture and stretch into what are my goals? What are the wildest things that I can imagine experiencing and calling into my life. As I've played with this over the years and intentionally even more so after the last few years going into those psychedelic grid spaces and activating in the quantum field, I've been able to radically create an incredible life for myself.

Of course I desire more. Of course I have even bigger dreams. Of course I'm still growing, building and expanding, but I'm living this incredible life. I'm happy in my relationships. I'm happy with myself. I have this thriving business. I get to show up here every single day as my fully expressed self. And every single day, I'm feeling more and more self-expressed. I feel more and more myself, more and more turned on by my life. More and more in alignment with my life. I've created this and this is the power, the creative power of psychedelics. Psilocybin specifically activates the creative centers in your brain. This is one of the reasons why I teach courses, host retreats and work with clients privately one-on-one assisted by psychedelic protocols.

I utilize these tools with my clients so that you can activate the creative centers in your brain. When you pair the intention of something like microdosing you're going to be having all these incredible benefits for your health, your mind, brain and your body happening. When you pair this with integration you become unstoppable. When you’re working with someone like a coach or mentor AND you're working with these tools there’s no limit to where you're building your life up to.

Combining coaching with these tools is radical, it’s the leading edge.

When I started integrating psychedelic medicine finally into my coaching and mentorship services, everything changed for me and what I've seen from my clients. I'm just seeing radical explosions of greatness in so many areas of both personal and professional growth.

I’ve had the opportunity to work especially with women in this field. I'm seeing women step fully into their greatness. I'm seeing women crush their goals. I have several female private clients right now, and they're all learning to express themselves. They're learning to step further into their art. They're creating their businesses. They're figuring out what they stand for and they're becoming more bold in the message of who they are. It’s the most beautiful thing that could ever exist because I know the power of that. I know where that can take you. That's where my life is headed and that's where my people's lives are headed.

With a little bit of intention, a little bit of guidance, a little bit of focus and a little bit of creative plans. You can blossom into the most incredible psychedelic experience of your entire life and create this incredible reality for your life.

That place that you go to in a psychedelic experience where everything is beautiful, where everything is special. Where everything feels connected, where you feel infinite possibility, where you see yourself for the beauty and the magic that you are. Where you're able to connect with nature and your animals and the people around you and your dreams and your voice and your vision. Where you're in this like totally inspired, enlightened, elevated place where your consciousness is just wide open. That’s the magic and power of the psychedelic experience.

Again, I will say this….I credit psychedelic medicine as my greatest tool for transformation. I would love to introduce you to that realm as well.

If you’re familiar with psychedelics and you are not living the life where you are seeing the most beautiful manifestation of your wildest dreams coming true, let’s work together and take this to another level of potentiality.

If you are new to the possibilities of psychedelic experiences…there are perfect places for you to start within this world too.


Again, I will say this one more time…. I would credit psychedelic medicine for my greatest tool for transformation. And I want to introduce you to that realm as well.

If you're familiar with psychedelics and you are not living the life where you are seeing the most beautiful manifestation of your wildest dreams coming true, let’s work together and take this to another level. 

If you are new to the possibilities of Psychedelic experiences… there are perfect places for you to start within this world too.

the illumin8trix