A Psychedelic Guide to the Holiday Season


A Psychedelic Guide for The Holidays 🎄
Maybe a little Magic can go a long way this season.

The holidays bring up allllll the things and we have a feeling that a little psychedelic magic may help you make the most of the season and let’s be real about it…it might be the magic that helps you make it through!

We would love to hear how choosing an Elevated Experience goes….. Good Luck.

We’re cheering you on 💫

For Celebration

Allow yourself to really honor the work and the intention you have put into the past year. When utilizing psychedelics remember to tap into the magic in a way that enhances the greatness that we already are.

Microdosing can help you be in gratitude mode by illuminating the beauty that’s all around you.

Celebrating IS gratitude and gratitude is celebration.

For Connection

Psychedelic experiences have the power to reconnect you to yourself, your people, and source energy. Explore with childlike wonder and connect deeply with the people you love.

Microdosing can help dissolve the walls that keep you from connection.

Allow these tools to create space in the moment for more meaningful connections and conversations.

For Yourself

It’s important to remember that at the core of all the striving for self improvement, we can trust that we are amazing and perfect as we are now….

Microdosing can support you to not abandon yourself.

Utilize the magic to keep from overeating or drinking. Connect with yourself vs disconnecting by stuffing yourself.

For Fun

Create environments and experiences that will include the elements of magic and fun. Remember that this season can be festive and fun!

The frequency of play brings us to a state of childlike wonder. This naturally brings incredible healing.

For Family

Psychedelics can definitely bring up things that are hard to deal with. Sometimes that looks like a light shining on something that needs to be addressed.

Being around family can be triggering. Allow the openness that psychedelics can create, to inspire the courage to perhaps have the conversation you know you need to have.

Or to stand up for yourself by speaking up for yourself.

For Wellness

Using a protocol will give you the space to deal with what actually comes up. The Microdosing protocol I recommend is 4days on, 3days off.

The reason I choose this protocol is because the 4days allows you to build a relationship. There is “time” to fully be in the experience. And then on the days off there is a resting period from the altered experience.

Psilocybin affects your serotonin, even a day or two could greatly change your holiday experience by affecting your mood in a positive way.

For Possibility

Psychedelics can create a change in consciousness. They are not as simple as another supplement to take in the mornings to help you feel good. When we take the intentional approach to expanding our minds we open to the truth that we are unlimited potential and that inspires people to expand their minds. What could be possible if you invited your family or friends to join you? How could this enlighten the holiday season in a new way for everyone!


As much fun as it would be to lace the turkey with LSD. We do not recommend microdosing your family without consent

The Mush Room is THE PLACE that I serve and lead community in conversations and provide education around psychedelics.

The Mush Room is a community membership for people exploring the Magic of Mushrooms.
Each month we have a theme, guest speakers, live teachings, breathwork, and embodiment practices.
When you join you receive immediate acccess to a vault of over 100 videos from the content of the two years this space has been open.

It’s a place for everyone to explore their consciousness and you’re invited.